Puppy School
Give your puppy the best start in life with our 4 week training course for puppies aged 8 – 12 weeks old. We provide you with important tools and skills to raise a well-behaved pooch.
About the Course
There is a critical window in the first few months of a dogs life where they are very impressionable. Puppy School provides a safe and controlled environment for puppies to learn and socialise which ultimately impacts their behaviour in adult years. Waiting too long to start training can allow behavioural problems to establish which then require more intensive training to overcome.
In our puppy school course, we cover beginner’s obedience exercises, behavioural wellness, and dealing with common problems like biting, barking, jumping up and chewing. You’ll also learn how to avoid problems like aggression, fears and phobias, separation anxiety and more.
We provide an effective Puppy School program for all of the puppies that visit our clinic. With our progressive and positive learning techniques you will learn:
- Basic Commands
- Name Response
- Toilet Training
- Desensitisation
- Stop Biting
- Lead Training
- 'Leave It'
- Body Language
- Fun Tricks
Our Puppy School program is typically held of an evening from 6.30pm – 7.30pm.

312 Mount Barker Road,
Aldgate, South Australia 5154
4 x 1 hour classes
Please contact us to enrol in an upcoming puppy school class.
(08) 8370 9383
All puppies attending puppy school must be up to date with vaccinations. Please call if you have any questions about whether your puppy is up to date.